FA in numbers

  • 100+ years’ tradition of agricultural education
  • 15 scientific departments
  • 34 study programmes in agricultural sciences
  • 2,100+ students
  • 2,000+ ha of experimental sites
  • 1 university production and research farm

We offer top quality practical agricultural training…

Fish, poultry and bee farming on the main campus

The pride of the FA at MENDELU is the Biotechnology Pavilion (hub). Freshwater and saltwater fish are kept in very efficiently controlled aquaculture holding tanks, which are equipped for very efficient water utilisation, using innovative water circulation systems relying on biological filtration technology. The FA is also the only quail breeder in the Czech Republic. This breeding unit is also located in the hub. In the outdoor area, several dozen actively honey producing beehives are kept.

Modern laboratories, greenhouses and phytotrons

Only the latest equipment is used in our laboratories. The value of technology is in the order of several hundred thousand euros, yet we make it available to our students to work with. This includes, for example, the opportunity to get acquainted with CRISPR technology, genetic modifications and, in the greenhouses, with medical cannabis, whilst they also may participate in the development of new varieties.

FoodTech experimental facilities

The two upper floors of the Biotechnology Pavilion are occupied by several food pilot plants. We have a bakery, a malt house, a university craft beer brewery, an experimental meat and dairy processing plant, and a confectionery kitchen. The hub is used for both research and teaching. Students can also use the facility to generate data for seminars, dissertations and theses.

Reference laboratory for biogas conversions

There are several functional biogas reactors in the Faculty of AgriSciences. They are used to allow our scientists to explore, for example, the possibilities of using waste as an alternative and renewable energy source. We also have a BAT Center – Best Available Techniques, which offers a wide range of technical services.

Technical testing facilities and equipment

We have a specialized facility for measuring the performance of internal combustion engines. In a separate specialized laboratory with state-of-the-art equipped we undertake the analysis of fuels and lubricants. We can also comprehensively measure the parameters of vehicles up to 480 kW with 4×4 drive and tractors up to 390 kW on a cylinder dynamometer accurately. We design smart technologies for precision agriculture and use various methods on drones we manufacture.

Agriculture farms in Žabčice and Vatín

The FA manages about 2,000 ha of fields at the university farm in Žabčice, close to Brno. More than 600 cows are milked there twice a day. Sixteen beef cattle breeds, such as Aubrac, Bazadaise or Belgian blue, are also kept at the university farms. At the experimental farm in Vatín, in the Vysočina region, we mainly study the development and production of good quality fodder. Simultaneously, we monitor climatic conditions as part of our research into climate change.