Bachelor’s to Master’s Study Transition

Bachelor’s degreeMaster’s degree
Plant SciencesCrops and Plant Sciences
Plant Pathology and Crop Protection
Animal ScienceAnimal Science
Animal Nutrition
Fisheries and Hydrobiology
General Agriculture (C)General Agriculture (C)
Food TechnologyFood Sciences and Human Nutrition
Applied TechnologyMachinery Operations
Waste Management (C)
Technical Expertise and Valuation (C)
Molecular Biology and BiotechnologyMolecular Biology and Biotechnology
Professional AgricultureProfessional Agriculture
Brewing and Malting
(C) – also in the Combined Form of Study

Bachelor’s degree (“Bc.”)

The graduate has knowledge of the principles of sustainable agricultural land management and an understanding of ecological, agronomic and environmental processes. The graduate can analyse the state of the agricultural landscape, identify problems and propose solutions aimed at soil conservation, optimising the water regime and improving fertility while respecting environmental, social and economic principles. The graduate is prepared to design and implement measures in the areas of landscape planning, revitalisation of water systems, erosion protection, land reclamation or soil fertilisation. The graduate will apply the acquired knowledge and skills in public administration, agronomic and environmental practice and consultancy.

The graduate is qualified to organize breeding of the important species of farm animals and exploit their productive and non-productive potential. The graduate recognizes needs of the animals and is capable of ensure optimal living conditions for them. Orientation in legislation related to animal breeding and utilization is also a part of the graduate’s qualification.

The graduate can analyse and comprehensively assess complex technological systems and operate complex machines, vehicle sets, technological lines and technological complexes in manufacturing and processing enterprises. The graduate has a broad knowledge of the principles of safe and efficient deployment of machinery, transport, handling and technological lines in the processes of production and further processing of agricultural products, transport, processing and material or energy recovery of secondary raw materials, waste and other natural resources, including the operation of civil engineering structures supporting these technologies. The graduate can analyse and comprehensively assess the impact of changes and measures on the performance, quality and safety of processes and has the practical skills to design and apply such measures and is able to select appropriate methods to determine the technical condition and apply modern instrumental methods and techniques of diagnosis and maintenance.

The graduate is capable to evaluate the quality of basic raw materials, to perform their analysis, to propose a procedure for their application in the process of malt and beer production, to perform tuning of the technological process and to realize the finalization of the finished product in relation to the chosen production technology, hygienic, legislative and economic requirements.

The graduate is capable of managing and optimising production processes in specialised food technologies. The graduate knows the methods and laboratory techniques of quality assessment of raw materials and foods of plant and animal origin. The graduate designs and develops innovative food products with regard to current trends and market requirements. The graduate uses comprehensive knowledge of food safety to manage quality and hygiene in food production.

The graduate can propose solutions to increase the efficiency and sustainability of agricultural production, analyse the market environment and make qualified decisions in the field of agricultural primary production and agribusiness. The graduate is able to make economic and managerial decisions in the agro-food complex, coordinate crop and livestock production on farms and provide advice to middle management of agricultural enterprises.

The graduate is oriented in the basics of molecular biology and in methods of molecular biology, biochemistry and biotechnology. In practice, the graduate can roughly assess the use of appropriate methods and apply selected methods to solve specific purposes, and he is able to interpret the obtained data.

The graduate can select suitable seeds (seedlings), fertilizers and plant protection products for the cultivation of individual species and varieties of crops for the specific use of production, is able to perform the determination of pathogens, pests and weeds by modern diagnostic methods, can decide on the effective and efficient use of integrated plant protection methods and assess the issue of plant health in terms of their impact on animal and human health, is competent to select mobile energy devices and other techniques necessary to ensure the technology of cultivation and harvesting of individual crops. The graduate is also able to choose the appropriate method of land management while respecting the requirements of sustainable farming, is competent to solve problems related to the treatment, storage and use of plant products (food, feed, respectively technical) and has skills in the use of computer technology and information systems to streamline the activities of middle and senior management.

The graduate is capable of use and apply professional knowledge in farming in the conditions of family farms or agricultural enterprises. The acquired knowledge can graduate evaluate in the cultivation of field crops and in livestock farming. The graduate can analyse legislative regulations and use subsidies to produce quality food and feed profitably.

Master’s degree (“Ing.”)

The graduate is capable of solving the problems of agricultural cultural landscapes in the context of sustainable development. This includes the complex application of agroecology in a landscape-ecological context, water in an agroecosystem, land management, and soil protection with extention into practical and application spheres. The graduate is capable of making a correct professional assessment of the state of the agricultural landscape, designing its appropriate agroecological optimisation, and identifying the environmental-ethical context of planned and implemented interventions in this landscape. The graduate is capable of orientation in issues related to landscape assessment, higher-level processing of hydrological and pedological data, including preparation of procedures and proposals for more complex projects, as well as identification of problems and proposals for possible solutions in the use of another type of cultural landscape (rural landscape) and selection of appropriate landscape-ecological research methods and their application in agricultural and project practice, including consultancy.

The graduate is qualified for top management and operation of facilities focused on breeding and utilization of animals. Qualifications of the graduate include mating planning and utilization of reproductive biotechnologies for effective exploitation of animals. The graduate master the principles of animal hygiene and procedures preventing occurrence of diseases in the kept animals. The graduate can analyse and breeding problems and propose possible solutions. 

The graduate knows the issues of production, storage, sale and distribution of feeds, can evaluate feeds and their quality, compile feed mixtures for animal nutrition. The graduate can compile and evaluate feed rations for individual species and categories of animals, has the skills and abilities to manage the nutrition, breeding and health of livestock. The graduate has competence in feed consultancy, animal nutrition and animal health and husbandry management.

The graduate can ensure the rearing of freshwater fish in various rearing systems, including fish reproduction. The graduate is capable of draw up feeding plans and optimizing the strategy of fish nutrition and feeding. The graduate can analyse problems in aquatic ecosystems and propose methods to improve the quality of the aquatic environment.

The graduate is capable of implementing quality and health management systems in a food company. The graduate is proficient in chemical instrumental methods and advanced methods of microbiological food analysis. The graduate is proficient in advanced food technology, including strategies for effective management of food production and product distribution. The graduate is proficient in working with clients in the field of nutritional consulting.

The graduate can independently manage processes in agricultural production while applying elements of precision agriculture. The graduate is oriented in the dynamic and ever-changing environment of the agricultural and food sector. The graduate is able to apply smart technologies in the field of crop and livestock farming and use them in the effective management of production of agricultural and agribusiness enterprises, including financial and project management. The graduate is able to provide advice to senior management of agricultural enterprises.

The graduate clearly defines the attributes of technical and economic disciplines, applying them to the efficient deployment of technology and the management of technological processes, particularly in agriculture. The graduate analyses the condition of technical equipment, designs diagnostic and maintenance systems, and evaluates the efficiency of process chains. The graduate plans automated control systems and manages the organization of operations as well as training for operators of complex equipment. The graduate develops decision-making processes based on data analysis and communicates across departments to optimize processes in technical practice.

The graduate is able to identify suitable molecular biology methods and subsequently apply them to solve specific problems. Furthermore, the graduate is capable of interpret the obtained data, proposing optimization steps, assessing the appropriateness of the used methodological approaches, and preparing structured protocols.

The graduate is capable of determine the cause of abiotic or biotic damage to field and garden crops, ornamental plants and forest trees, is able to choose appropriate diagnostic methods and use them to identify pests or disease agents. The graduate can propose appropriate measures for plant protection in conventional and organic farming, assess the necessity of using and select an adequate product for plant treatment.  The graduate is able to assess the environmental risks of plant health measures and plan them in accordance with the requirements of sustainable agricultural production.

The graduate has extensive knowledge of the principles, rules, functionalities, and causality of processes occurring at the plant, population, cenosis and agrosystem levels. Detailed knowledge of varieties, plant breeding and seed material procedures, technologies of cultivation, harmful factors and proper plant protection methods will the graduate acquired, as well as the ability to estimate and evaluate the impact of specific cultivation practices and measures taken by growers in the yield and quality of production, plus health and safety risks. Comprehensive biological-technical insight and acquired practical skills of the graduate can be applied in primary production, plant breeding, seed science, research, expert counselling, control monitoring, experimental practice and in related areas.

The graduate is prepared to manage an agricultural enterprise both agronomically and economically. With the ability to maximize productive functions, the graduate is also able to enhance the non-productive roles of agro-systems. Well-versed in theoretical methods, the graduate understands practical measures to organize and set up long-term sustainable, complex agricultural activities aimed at the use and protection of soil, water, biodiversity, and climate.

The graduate knows the legal regulations governing the performance of expert activities, knows the methods of valuation of property and is capable of apply them practically. The graduate can define the causes, processes and consequences of defects, failures and accidents, and is able to determine the residual utility, time value of movable and immovable property and the normal price. The graduate is capable of determine the amount of damage to property, including in relation to the settlement of an insurance claim.

The graduate is capable of design and implement waste management strategies. The graduate is capable of analyse different waste streams and identifying opportunities leading to waste prevention or minimisation. The graduate understands key technologies and processes for waste management and can design technical solutions for the treatment of different types of waste. The graduate can interpret and apply national and European legal standards in the field of waste management and is able to use them in the planning and operation of waste management facilities. The graduate is capable of critically analyse, synthesise and effectively communicate the knowledge gained from multidisciplinary waste management issues. The graduate is capable of work effectively in interdisciplinary teams.