The Department of Plant Biology
This Department focuses on the study of plant integrity, specifically related to the vital functions, growth, development, and productivity of plants. Experts use a wide range of scientific methods including genetic, microscopic, biochemical, and biophysical methods to monitor plant communities. They aim to understand the biological nature and interactions of the plant as a functional unit in interaction with the environment or other living organisms in the ecosystem. The institute cooperates with other departments of basic and applied research, but also with businesses and other entities from the private sector.
Head of department: Assoc. Prof. Pavel Hanáček, Ph.D.
Assoc. Prof. Pavel Hanáček, Ph.D.
The Department of Applied and Landscape Ecology
This Department was founded in 1990 in response to the societal need for a more comprehensive knowledge of the agricultural landscape in the context of sustainable development. The institute offers a Bachelor’s and Masters’ degree program in Agroecology. The research priorities of the institute are focused on solving landscaping questions in various contexts, innovative landscape engineering and environmental safety. The institute carries out a wide range of experimental activities both in the field and in laboratories and operates a water management and pedology research laboratory that includes a hydraulic circuit.
Head of department: prof. Milada Šťastná, Ph.D.
Prof. Milada Šťastná, Ph.D.
The Department of Agrosystems and Bioclimatology
This Department focuses on research and teaching in the field of various systems of agricultural management, namely integrated systems, precision agriculture systems and ecologically sensitive systems. In its experimental portfolio, the institute conducts comprehensive long-term field trials, which include the issue of agrotechnical measures, such as tillage, plant establishment and treatment, sowing procedures, cover crops and weed control in different agricultural systems. Numerous experiments focus on research into the impacts and adaptation measures relating to climate change and the increasing incidence of meteorological extremes.
Head of department: prof. Zdeněk Žalud, Ph.D.
Prof. Zdeněk Žalud, Ph.D.
The Department of Crop Science, Breeding and Plant Medicine
The Department was initially established in 1919. In 2005 it merged with the Department of Plant Protection and became the Department of Cultivation, Plant Breeding and Plant Medicine. It performs pedagogical, scientific, and consulting activities in these and related areas. It offers a Masters’ degree programs in Phytotechnics and Plant Medicine as well as a doctoral study program in Special Plant Production. The Department also hosts a Centre of Research Excellence that undertakes prestigious contract research projects, while also participating in the promotion of studies and research activities of the faculty.
Head of department: Assoc. Prof. Radim Cerkal, Ph.D.
Assoc. Prof. Radim Cerkal, Ph.D.
The Department of Agrochemistry, Soil Science, Microbiology and Plant Nutrition
In the field of plant nutrition, this Department specializes in researching the nitrogen and sulfur cycles, extra-root nutritional processes, the effect of drought on crop production and the identification of new materials for the development of fertilizers. The main research and academic themes in the field of soil science are the long-term effects of external inputs on soil quality, soil organic matter and soil classification. In the field of soil microbiology, expert scientists in the Department focus on making nutrients more available to plants, increasing infiltration and water retention in soil, and the functional diversity of the soil microbiome. Head of department: Assoc. Prof. Pavel Ryant, Ph.D.
Prof. Pavel Ryant, Ph.D.
The Department of Animal Nutrition and Forage Production
The Department is actively involved in the education of and research in several academic themes related to animal feed production, animal feed preservation, and the nutrition and feeding of ruminant and non-ruminant farm animals. A special area of research and education focuses on applying scientific knowledge in improving the quality of human life, particularly through the improvement of lawn and human nutrition. Research support is offered by the Forage Research Station in Vatín, several experimental poultry and rodent farms and laboratories focused on the evaluation of organic nutrient content and an experimental laboratory for the scientific analysis of biological samples.
Head of department: Ondřej Šťastník, Ph.D.
Assoc. Prof. Ondřej Šťastník, Ph.D.
The Department of Morphology, Physiology and Animal Genetics
The Department provides teaching in the areas of animal morphology and physiology, cell biology, immunology, zoo hygiene and animal disease prevention and genetics. For teaching, it has, for example, a histology classroom, an autopsy room, a collection of permanent anatomical specimens, an ossuary, and several laboratories. More focused research activities on the immune system of the mammary gland in cattle, the study of osteoblasts, wound healing, the internal environment of farm animals, gene expression in farm animal production performance, and also the study of microsatellites and genetic diversity of animals and diseases of cattle limbs are undertaken.
Head of department: Assoc. Prof. Aleš Pavlík, Ph.D.
Assoc. Prof. Aleš Pavlík, Ph.D.
The Department of Zoology, Fish Production, Hydrobiology and Apiculture
The Department studies the biodiversity, ecology, and taxonomy of selected groups of invertebrates, the conservation genetics and ecology of mammals, their impact on agriculture and forestry, the role and importance of animal pests and invasive species, bee pollination activities, bee virus research and beekeeping. Research and teaching in the field of fish production and hydrobiology focus on key areas of freshwater aquaculture, ichtyology and running water management systems, and related hydrobiological issues. Head of department: prof. Josef Suchomel, Ph.D.
Prof. Josef Suchomel, Ph.D.
The Department of Molecular Biology and Radiobiology
The Department is engaged in research and teaching in the field of molecular biology and radiobiology. Expert scientists focus mainly on studying the molecular nature of the interaction between plants and the environment. A wide range of “-omic” suffixes are used to describe the scientific activities in this field of study – from phenomics and genomics through transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, interactomics and bioinformatics. Research is conducted in the framework of national and international cooperation projects. Their research objectives normally centre around the increase of crop resilience and thus directly contribute to sustainable agriculture. Head of department: Assoc. Prof. Martin Černý, Ph.D.
Assoc. Prof. Martin Černý, Ph.D.
The Department of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Engineering
The Department studies and teaches technology and its role and functioning in agricultural production, waste management, environmental audit and management, the assessment of the technical condition and safety of machinery and equipment, risk prevention, valuation, the management and operation of facilities and technological equipment for agriculture and industry, renewable energy, and SMART technologies. Without agriculture and food, humanity would not be fed. Without appropriate technology, land would not be cultivated and food would not be sown, fertilized, or harvested. Thanks to them, it is also possible to make waste a productive resource.
Head of department: Assoc. Prof. Petr Junga, Ph.D.
Assoc. Prof. Petr Junga, Ph.D.
The Department of Technology and Automobile Transport
The activities of the Department are profiled in four basic sections. The first section is the study of vehicles and agricultural machinery. The technical background for it is provided by a cylindrical dynamometer, equipment for machine aggregation tests and an engine test room. Another section studies materials engineering, where experts conduct research using, for example, mechanical or degradation tests to study the characteristics and behaviour of materials. Another section studies tribology, which is the science of studying and engineering interacting surfaces in relative motion. It includes the study and application of the principles of friction, lubrication and wear. The last section studies innovative and functionally useful technologies such as unmanned aerial vehicles and additive technologies for agricultural purposes. Head of department: Assoc. Prof. Jiří Čupera, Ph.D.
Assoc. Prof. Jiří Čupera, Ph.D.
The Department of Food Technology
The Department studies and provides education for students in the Chemistry and Food Technology, Food and Human Nutrition programmes and several other food related programmes. Experts have at their disposal pilot laboratories, which provide experimental facilities for meat, milk and cereal processing technologies, confectionery production, and a micro-brewery with a micro-malting plant. The Department houses equipment for the analysis of both food plant and animal origins. The research activities in the Department primarily focus on modern trends and advanced food production and analysis technologies, including new processing techniques, innovative food preservation, canning and packaging technology.
Head of department: Assoc. Prof. Miroslav Jůzl, Ph.D.
Assoc. Prof. Miroslav Jůzl, Ph.D.
The Department of Animal Breeding
The Department does research and provides teaching programmes mainly around profile breeding subjects in the Zootechnics Bachelor’s and Master’s study programmes and the doctoral study programme in General and Special Zootechnics. Academic teachers and researchers are mostly involved in research activities focused on the development of scientific knowledge and skills in the field of animal reproduction, the measuring and evaluation of the reproductive and productive performance of farm animals and economically important animal species, and in optimizing the animal husbandry environment and practices to improve and optimize the welfare of farm animals.
Head of department: Assoc. Prof. Radek Filipčík, Ph.D.
Assoc. Prof. Radek Filipčík, Ph.D.
The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
The Department has more than 150 staff members who actively do research in more than 800 m2 of world-class instrumentation laboratories. It forms part of the CEITEC institute, a major European centre of science and education excellence, with top facilities and conditions for the best researchers in Brno. Being involved in five research groups divided amongst seventeen laboratories, the Department focuses on key areas such as bioanalytical chemistry, algal and plant biotechnology and, finally, experimental microbial and animal biochemistry and biology. Head of department: Jacqueline Vacková.
Assoc. Prof. Zbyněk Heger, Ph.D.
CEITEC MENDELU is one of the 6 partners of the Central European Institute of Technology. The research is included in the Genomics and Proteomics of Plant Systems programme. Experts focus on basic research in the fields of life and non-life sciences, with an effort to transfer knowledge and technology into the application spheres of the future. Special interest is focused on the responses of plants to abiotic and biotic stresses and the possibilities of their protection using new technologies and materials. They also research the role of plant hormones in regulating plant architecture.
Head of department: Assoc. Prof. Jan Zouhar, Ph.D.
Assoc. Prof. Jan Zouhar, Ph.D.