Research Project Partners, Conctractual Partners and Stakeholders
The Faculty of AgriSciences prioritises systemic collaboration with the beneficiaries of its research outcomes. The faculty’s role entails regular interaction with:
1) State administration and stakeholders: The faculty’s long-term involvement in addressing state administration tasks has garnered recognition in the domain of environmental impact identification and mitigation. A notable example is the development of the Environmental Safety Concept for the Ministry of the Environment, which serves as a strategic framework for risk prevention or crisis management. management.
2) Agricultural practice: for instance, the portal, utilised by agronomists, foresters and other users, monitors abiotic risks (e.g. drought, strong winds) and biological threats (diseases, pests).
3) Companies and contractual research opportunities: over the last five years, the faculty has concluded contracts and carried out contract research with almost a hundred different organisations from the field of science and research, as well as the commercial sphere. Moreover, as a meeting point for commercial partners, the faculty runs a web-based portal
4) Scientific community: it is based namely on project research and partnership in project networks and international networking.
5) Students and alumni: For practical training, the faculty gathers a group of more than 600 commercial partners, who are also potential employers of students and partners for research activities.
We are always looking for and open to finding new partnerships, both for contract research and participation in projects, and we offer partners the free capacity of our research centres and shared infrastructure.